Reviews |
Stevie Nicks
Trouble In Shangri-La Tour
Trouble In Shangri-La Show on August 3rd 2001
Smirnoff Music Center Dallas, TX
"So-called" a review of Dallas Reviewer: Brian W. Johnson (estranged4life@webtv.net)
from Carnegie, Oklahoma
August 05,2001 "Sort-of" a review of Dallas!!!
Hello. I just made it home from Dallas...And it was worth the 600 miles round-trip drive. I
would say overall that the concert was great, But the most of the audience, (In my section especially), sat through all the TISL songs...I
would give a more detailed review of the concert, but I had a seat over to the right of the Smirnoff Centre, (Section 200 Row AA Seat 3),And I
wasn't able to see the whole stage...I however saw the left part ,(From my point of
view) ,of the stage where Waddy was positioned to over where Sharon & Mindy were on the right. I couldn't see Lenny or Brett due to
the amplification on the stage, Plus I wasn't able to see the backdrop behind the drummer.Anyways, I did remember the set list from the show last nite. It was basically the same set list Stevie has used so far for this tour, Its listed below:
Stop Draggin' My Heart Around (The WHOLE crowd rose to welcome Stevie!!)
Enchanted (Good performance!)
Dreams (Another great performance!!!)
Gold Dust Woman (Best performance of the night!!! Loved the stage lighting...)
Sorcerer (Sounded very good live...)
Everyday (Much better live!!)
Rhiannon (Great version of THE classic...But the audience in my section sat on their rears during this jewel!!!)
Stand Back (Complete with THE kick!!! I love her shoes...LOL!!!)
Planets of the Universe (Sounded great...Wished I could have seen the backdrop better...)
Too Far From Texas (Brought a great response from the Dallas crowd for obvious reasons...)
Bombay Sapphires (Sounded a bit flat to me...Maybe just an off nite)
Fall From Grace (Straight ahead rocker...Way cool!)
Edge of Seventeen (Great intro-guitar solo by Waddy)
I Need to Know (A real hard rocking song...Stevie seemed to be enjoying herself!!!)
Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You ( What can I say...Stevie looked like the legendary poet that she is...)
Stevie seemed to be having a great time last night. She was VERY talkative throughout the
show, And her voice was back 100!!! Very strong and without an ounce of cracking. And DAMN, Did she ever look so
SEXY!!!BTW, When I left the Smirnoff Centre, I went out the wrong entrance/exit. So I had to walk all the way around to the other side to
find my car...While I was walking through the parking lot when I saw a few people,(About 10-15), Waiting outside the exit where the backstage
area was...Anyways I kept walking a little further down from that exit HOPING to find my car, When I saw a
Winnabago (?) that was parallel parked and idling. I thought that was rather strange being parked in a
weird way...So I walked on by and noticed it had an Arizona license tag on it, No sooner than I looked back I saw Stevie's brother Chris
standing outside behind the Winnabago!!! I nodded to him and he did the same in return. I would have went to talk to him but I was WAY too tired
from all the travel I had. I just thought that was a rather strange coincident, First a vehicle with Ariz. tags then Chris
Nicks...hmmmm!!! Well, I did meet Livia, And I really enjoyed talking to her,(She's very intelligent and a cutey too!!!). While I talked to Livia, Lenny Castro & Al Ortiz were standing directly in front of us talking. Thanks for making me feel welcomed Livia!!! Anyways, I hope she
can add alot to this "So-Called" review because she had a better seat than I did and may have seen more upclose...Not "Too Far From Texas"
now, BrianPS-"Spinal Tap" moment of the day When I purchased my ticket at Kroger's, The female clerk asked "For which show?", I replied "Stevie Nicks"...Her reply was, "How do you spell HIS name?"..I gave her my "Are
you able to even spell your OWN name?" look...Hehehehe!!!! BTW, The opening act Bob Schneider was alright, Not exactly my type of music, But
still very entertaining none-the-less.
(with thanks to
Brian who sent this review to me)
~*~*~ Stevie's
in Texas, close to my home ~*~*~
my TISL Texas 'review' ' Since so much has been mentioned already about
the set list, etc., I won't go through all that ' I just want to share my
'overall' concert experiences and some highlights:
Smirnoff Music Center Dallas, TX
flying in from Austin, I picked up my rental car (a white Mustang) and checked
into my hotel. I was so
excited, I didn't know what to do with myself. I got ready and hooked up with
'my people' at the VIP entrance of the venue (thank goodness for cell
phones). The VIP pre-concert area
had a full bar, but they wouldn't let you take your drinks into the venue. So, I helped my new friends slam their frozen drinks and off we went.
they had let people into the venue, they weren't allowing anyone to go to
their seats yet, including the lawn.
We milled around for a bit and checked out the merchandise. Two of the people with me had laminated passes, I had the 'stick-on'
kind. You may have seen them, they have a Buddha woman on them,
they're cool looking. Anyway,
while Bob Schneider was still setting up, we asked one of the ushers if we could
go in. He was kind enough to allow
us into the empty venue. That's
when I noticed the 3 rows of folding chairs in front of the permanent seats. I asked the usher, 'What's considered front row?' He said the folding chair rows were 1, 2 and 3, then Row A. Like I said in my earlier post, if I had Row A, thinking it was front
row, I'd be PISSED! Guess Colby
Donaldson from Survivor (the TV show) is really milking his fifteen minutes'
they started to let people in and it was really funny to watch the stampede of
people on the lawn claiming their spots. We
headed backstage at that point to seek some air conditioning. We ran into Lenny, Al, and Scott. I
got a close-up look at Lenny's dragon tattoo. He said, 'How's that for being committed to a band?' LOL We hung out with some of the crew and soaked up all the A/C we could.
wanted to see Bob Schneider, so I headed back out to the venue to check out my
seat. I think this was around the
time Brian spotted me ' he was sitting in the front row of the 2nd section back. So that was cool, to
meet a fellow Ledgie. J Al and Lenny walked up and
were just hanging out, scoping out the scene. I pointed them out to Brian and
then went to check out my seat. I
had 7th row, to the right of the stage, directly in front of the
speakers. Not too bad, but I moved
to the center with Julie (she's in the tourbook too) to watch Bob.
went into 'Tarantula,' his 'obligatory audience participation song,'
which, being from Austin, I've seen 20 times. But he did get the crowd going. It's
a very uptempo, salsa number. And
the chorus is very 'Stevie,' actually'.'there she goes, under the
moonlight, under the stars, tarantula!' He's
probably not used to people NOT going nuts for him, so he said, 'I hear Stevie
Nicks is gonna be here tonight,' to get the crowd screaming.
only thing I like about the Smirnoff Music Center is that they have a VIP
concession line for people w/ passes. That
was very convenient. And, it's on
the fairgrounds, the ferris wheel looks really cool behind the lawn, even though
it wasn't running. As far as
amphitheaters go, the roof over this place reminds me of a parking garage. Not at all conducive to live music. After Bob's set, I went backstage for another blast of A/C, used the
restroom, took my place in the VIP concession line to get a drink and I knew it
was almost time'.
went to my seat and was immediately recognized, 'Hey, you're the NicksFix
girl!' Heh.
was chatting w/ the diehard fans around me and then 'Bootylicious' started. I instantly got goosebumps. I
absolutely LOVE the TISL vocal re-mix intro. I could listen to just that over and over'
I was surrounded by
TOTAL Stevie fans, it was great. I
couldn't see Brett at all, and I thought I'd wait a few minutes to see of
any of those empty seats got filled from people arriving late. When Stevie started Gold Dust Woman, this guy, I'm trying to be PC
here, uhhh, very effeminate, shall we say, started yelling, 'OH'MY'GAAAAWD!' It was sooo funny! He was so thrilled that she was doing that song, he just kept
screaming and jumping up and down. In
the meantime, there was a woman in about the 3rd row, right in front
of us, who was wearing a duplicate of the TISL cover outfit, except it was pink
instead of peach. I guess it looked
more like the white outfit from the Mirage tour. Anyway, this woman seemed to be channeling Stevie, literally. She kept doing Stevie moves and seemed almost oblivious to what was
happening onstage, 'cause she was doing Rumours-Mirage era things, like that
pose with her elbows pointed upward, hands under the chin, leaning over and
spinning until she was on the ground. You
just had to see her, she was freaky! And
I hope she's not reading this, and maybe she is a perfectly 'normal'
person, but she just struck me as one of those fans that security should keep a
close eye on. It was funny at
first, but after a couple more songs, I was just too distracted by her to enjoy
the show. I did ask some of the
band and crew afterwards if they'd seen her, they did, and kinda rolled their
eyes. LOL
So, I made my move
toward the middle and a few rows closer. I
ended up 4th row, behind the folding chairs and just to the right of
Stevie. Several seats around me
remained empty all night.
As I mentioned in
my earlier post, I think this stage is the most beautiful set she's ever had. And whoever's in charge of lighting should win an award! I loved the pillars of color with their roses dangling down to the ground
' and the Buddha women with their skirts.
Stevie flubbed up a
few lyrics here and there, but she always manages to recover nicely. Someone else mentioned her mike going out during the
'surviiiiiiiive' part of Fall From Grace, that was a bummer. Stevie kinda looked at the mike, like 'is this thing on?' I noticed she purposely changed a few lyrics here and there. In Planets,
she sang, 'leaving nothing left of us to 'desire,' instead of
'discover.' I liked that.
I didn't take any
pictures until I felt it was safe. I
saw some people come up the side aisle and the usher actually told them it was
okay to move up front to take pictures, as long as they came right back. So, out came my camera and I started snapping away. I got the kick in Stand Back, and when Stevie did the 'sweep' during
Edge of 17, I got a nice pic of her waving to the crowd when she was right in
front of me. I didn't rush the
stage this time. Been there, done
that, and it was too friggin' hot!
My favorites '
Planets (my favorite album cut) ROCKS live! Sorcerer does too, it just has that pounding bass/drum thing that reminds
of, oh, I dunno, Fleetwood Mac maybe? Bombay
Sapphires, wow! I wasn't crazy
about this song the first few times I heard it, but it has become one my
favorites on the album. And it is SO good live! I also love the 'meandering' ending, 'I can mend your heart, mend
your heart'' Fall From Grace was 10 times better than the Blockbuster
performance, which rocks. I also
love the end of that song, 'MAKE sure, MAKE sure, MAKE sure'' It reminds me of Sister of the Moon live too. And I don't know if it was the hat or what, but HAEWAFY was ultra
touching this time. By this time, I
had moved even closer to the center, where my friends were sitting. I was standing behind 2 couples ' the guys were standing behind the
girls, with their arms around their waists. They were swaying along to this beautiful ballad and I really felt the
energy and love and magic that was all around everyone. It made me get all
verklempt. These are the moments
that I live for'
After the show, we
were herded into the VIP room (which we nicknamed the holding tank) and quickly
informed by security that if we left the room to use the bathroom or smoke, we
had to leave the venue. Most of the
band came in to chat and sign autographs, but no Stevie. L Lori Perry was there and apparently had several friends in tow. Guys with walkie-talkies kept coming in and out. Next thing we knew, we heard the crowd outside yelling and clapping and
off Stevie went, in her black limo. So
you see, being backstage isn't all it's cracked up to be. I've been backstage at many Stevie shows, but only got to meet her at
one. I know, POOR me, right? LOL But my point is, you just never know'.a backstage pass is not a
I hung out with my
crew buddies for awhile before heading back to the hotel for some rest before
doing it all again the next day'
(with thanks to
Livia who sent this review to me)
Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Houston, TX
Houston was,
unfortunately, much hotter and more humid than Dallas. The entire time before the actual concert was stressful and extremely
nerve-wracking. Mainly because: (a)
I did not have my own vehicle and (b) the people I relied on for transportation
were not as enthusiastic as I was about getting there early; nor did they fully
comprehend the logistics of parking and having to walk a mile to the venue (walk,
not sprint, as we were forced to do since we were so late), figuring out where
the VIP entrance was, finding my friends to pick up our passes (again, thank
goodness for cell phones), standing in line to buy merchandise, concessions and
getting to your seat on time. ARRRGH! My friend friggin' grew up in Houston, but she got lost on the way back
to her dad's after picking me up at the airport. I had originally planned to get a room near the venue, but she talked me
out of it because she didn't want to spend the money since her dad lives about
20 minutes away in Conroe. After
driving around the outskirts of Houston for about an hour and by the time we get
to her dad's, we only had 30 minutes to get ready since we'd planned on
meeting Jessica Leigh for dinner and getting to the show in time for the opening
act. To make a long and grueling
story short, after we finally took care of all our business, I was just paying
for my drink and about to go to my seat when Bootylicious started. Lesson learned, I shall ALWAYS have my own transportation and
lodging so I don't have to rely on anyone!
Oh yeah, the passes
in Dallas were red, I was wearing a black t-shirt w/ a red dragon on it; the
passes in Houston were green, I was wearing a blue floral print dress. When I was putting on my pass, Jessica Leigh and I were
laughing because, 'it is green, it is aquamarine.' Heh. I was very color
coordinated in both cities.
The Woodlands
Pavilion is a perfect place to see live music. It's surrounded by trees, and we had the full moon goin' on. The venue is smaller than the one in Dallas, everything looked closer
together onstage and the seating seemed more intimate as well. I had a 12th row seat, on the extreme left. All I could see was Stevie's mike stand and the girls and Brett. Like I said in my earlier post, my Sticketbastard should have noted this
seat as 'obstructed view' because it sucked so bad. I wasted no time moving to the (once again) many scattered
empty seats in the middle section. I
went up to Row CC with a borrowed ticket stub to get Jessica Leigh down there
with me. We ended up in the 2nd row behind the pit, just to the left of Stevie. I think this was all during Dreams or maybe Gold Dust Woman, but it was
early in the show. My friend Bruce
was on the aisle between the middle and the right section, I ran over to say
hello to him real quick too. He's
a huge Stevie fan, every time I looked at him, he was absolutely beaming with
joy. Aaaah, there's that vibe I
needed to calm down after my hectic afternoon.
Stevie flubbed
lyrics in the exact same places she did in Dallas. I don't know what that's all about, Bruce said she must have a mental
block. LOL. Anyway, the sound was better in Houston too. Of course, the crowd went nuts during TFFT, 'there's a
room just outside of Houston'' Stevie
dedicated it to Sandy Stewart, who was in the audience.
After getting the
first show out of my system, it was fun to share Jessica Leigh's excitement
and see her reaction. We had a
blast together, she's very cool! The
people around us had all hung out with the drummer, Mark, all day at the lake. After TFFT, the guy next to me asked me if that song was on
her new album. Then he said he
hoped she'd do Landslide and Silver Springs. Sorry he was disappointed, and he just didn't seem to 'get' my
explanation about both of those songs not being the same without Lindsey, in my
opinion. He and his friend were
making fun of me for knowing all the words, but they were having a great time
and it's always fun to watch people becoming 'Stevie-cized' for the first
time! LOL The girl in front of me kept raising her arms during Stand Back and I
wanted another picture of the kick. The
guy next to me let me lean into his space to get it. Jessica Leigh and I also had him take a picture of us, with
our backs to the stage and Stevie in the background. Can't wait to see that one! I joined my friend Bruce again for HAEWAFY. Stevie was having a little trouble keeping that hat on, we were cracking
Afterwards, we were
once again herded into the holding tank. My
crew buddy informed us that Stevie was definitely coming in there. Sigh! Once again, no luck. We stayed there until we were told Stevie had left the building. But before that, was the 'leaky pen incident' (see my earlier post)
with Al. Heh.
We said our
good-byes to my crew buddies (who were very apologetic that we didn't get to
meet Stevie this time). I told them
that I knew 2 shows just wouldn't be enough for me, and I'd probably see
them in Vegas or Phoenix, if they add more dates. I just reserved my flight to Vegas today. J
If you managed to
read all of this, bless you! LOL But, I know y'all understand. Like Stevie said when she introduced Sorcerer, 'Who else am
I gonna tell these stories too?'
Thank you, Stevie,
for having that magic that uniquely touches all of our wild hearts!
(with thanks to
Livia who sent this review to me)
22-09-2001 Chastain Park Amphitheatre Atlanta, GA
The Atlanta show was amazing - that
woman can truly do no wrong. It was definitely worth flying all the way
from England for! Chastain Park is a lovely outdoor ampitheatre-like
venue, and Saturday was the perfect night for it - warm and clear (apparently,
it rained a couple of nights before the show, and it was really bucketing it
down when we left, so we were all very lucky). There were lots of
fireflies in the sky once it became dark, so that was a nice touch.
California opened - they weren't too bad. Their lead singer seemed quite
amused by the fact that a lot of people didn't take their seats until
Stevie started because they wouldn't let you smoke inside the venue - the
smokers were sent to stand by the gate! LOL! Ooh, and the
merchandise... the little teddy bears are sooo cute! I bought one for
myself, and one for my friend Sarah (a recently converted Lindsey nut).
Anyways, they played the whole of Bootylicious before Stevie came out; a lot
of people thought it was actually starting then and scrambled for their seats,
only to be like, "d'oh!" Bwahaha! But once the show did
start, everyone was back at their seats and on their feet! It kicked off
with Stop Draggin' My Heart Around, but I was quite surprised that only a few
people remained standing for the duration of the concert. I was one of
them, LOL, and that concert rocked straight through for me. From then
on, we had: Enchanted, Dreams, Gold Dust Woman, Sorcerer, Every Day (this is
gorgeous live - I love the song anyway, but it sounded really good that
night), Rhiannon (probably got the most cheers, along with EO17), Stand Back
(I can't believe I missed the high kick! How the hell did that
happen?!), Planets Of The Universe, Too Far From Texas (with Sharon), Fall
From Grace (out of the new songs, it was the most popular with the audience),
Edge Of Seventeen (ROCKED! OMG!), and for the encore as usual, I Need To
Know and Has Anyone Ever Written Anything For You (sooo beautiful, especially in
retrospect of all that has happened, and I love the "I want you to
remember" part at the end - the only bad part was when some girl behind
me screamed really loud in the middle of the song, but everyone from row 21
and forward turned round and glared at her, so she shut up! LOL!).
Sharon and Mindy were excellent - my mother was very impressed by the girls.
And I am liking these little jam sessions between Lenny Castro and Mark
Schulman! Rhythm is gonna get ya! Stevie was flirting with Carlos
again, and giggling manically - cute! She flirts with everyone!
The only true downside was the fact that Stevie's mic was turned down too low
during her little speeches, and no one further back could hear, so they
started shouting. Of course that only made it worse, and I missed a lot
of what she was saying. When someone finally got the drift and turned it
up, the entire audience cheered! If anyone gets the chance to go to
Atlanta, go! The whole city, and its people, are so nice and welcoming!
Finally, Stevie fans are honestly the best! I know now! Our cab
driver who took us from the airport to the hotel was going to the concert, and
I had real good conversation with him about Stevie and the Mac! Then, at
the concert, we talked to one of the security ladies for a while, and she was
real sweet. Finally, we shared a cab back to the hotel with an older
couple from out of town (we were all waiting for the bus, but it never turned
up!) and they were nice people too! So, I really hope Stevie or the Mac
come over to England soon, because I can't wait to see them again!
truly enchanted Laura.
(with thanks to Laura Mountain who sent this review to me)
05-10-01 & 06-10-01
Aladdin Resort
and Casino, Las Vegas
London UK - Las Vegas
USA. 17,000kms in a weekend.......you're kidding, right?
No....we did it. Anything for
Stevie. We made T-Shirts especially for the trip saying how far we had come
to see Stevie Rock-A-Little. We even made cards to hand out with our email
addys. Disaster -
Stevie very sick. August 25th Concert postponed. Had to cancel everything at
great cost and wait for a new date. Surprise - Two
dates! Wooohooo!
September 11th - The world in shock. Stevie very upset. Tour nearly cancelled. Is Vegas still
on? Flights changed meaning we would be late for the first show.
October 5th -
We left Milton Keynes early to miss the traffic. This was a very good move
as we were put on an earlier flight to Las Vegas. Once on board we noticed
that Stevie's Storytellers was being shown as part of the in-flight
entertainment! What a great omen! By the time we checked into the hotel we
had been travelling for 21 hours. We took showers and headed for the show.
This was my first Stevie concert in 12 years and Louise's 2nd (she had made
it to Boston this year)
We got to the Aladdin early to
meet up with various internet buddies. Hello to Mishi, Kel, Jules, Kristin,
Michelle, Courtney, Donna, Angela, Livia, Tori. We decided to try for better
tickets...unsuccessfully. We now wanted to find a way to get our gift to
Stevie, the gift being a beautiful painting called Rhiannon. After speaking
to the right people we found ourselves waiting at the backstage door. After
a while we were told that we can't see Stevie before the show as she was
doing a sound check (we had guessed as much) and after the show she would be
with her family. We were told to return Saturday at 5pm.
We went back to the theatre,
purchased some merchandise and met John Kinney! He is a real gentleman and
even signed our tourbooks.
To say that Stevie rocked on
Friday night is an understatement. We danced the entire night and had a
great time much to the annoyance of the people behind who wanted us to sit.
They threw ice, beer and lemon slices at us but we had not travelled
6500miles just to sit down! And we told them as much!!
As Fall from Grace came on we
picked up our bags ready to get to the stage. We noticed security getting
into position to stop this from happening. We made it almost to the stage
but were held back by very heavy handed guards who refused to let anyone but
the golden circle approach the stage. Stevie came towards us and the crowd
pushed forward and I was almost strangled by the security guard pushing us
back. One man grabbed Stevie's hand so hard that it clearly hurt her. Louise
managed to touch her hand but I just couldn't reach. As Stevie went along
the stage Louise managed to put the cute toys we had brought with us onto
the stage. They were two pigs and a bunny rabbit all of which walked and
wiggled their noses! Waddy picked up the little pig and put it on the piano!
We have since found out that Waddy kept that pig and Stevie claimed the
white bunny!
It really was an amazing show
and Stevie rocked...but the security guards were way out of line.
October 6th - We
arrived early at the Aladdin again - too early to go to the stage door as
instructed. So we brought a drink and sat down outside the limo rank. After
a few minutes Louise spotted Brett Tuggle coming out of the hotel. Almost
immediately Lenny Castro came out and waved when we called him. I turned my
head and to my amazement saw Sharon Celani coming out. She was very friendly
and signed out tourbooks and agreed to a photo despite having no make-up on!
As we were about to take a photo Mindy Stein walked out! WOW! So she signed our
tourbooks and we had pictures with both of them. They read our t-shirts and
were amazed how far we had come. They were both lovely ladies.
We then went to wait at the
backstage door. After standing there for around 15 mins a limo pulls up. The
door opens and we see curlers!! Huge curlers! It was Stevie - no make up,
hair in curlers, green tinted shades and she still looked fabulous!! Stevie
got out followed by her two yorkies (very cute). A few other people got out
one of whom was Sheryl Crow who seemed to have a mobile phone glued to her
ear! We waited some more and could hear the sound check. I tried to imagine
Stevie singing Fall From Grace in her curlers!!! It was at this time that
Stevie's security guy came to talk to us. We told him how far we had come
and showed him the painting. We asked for just 5 mins of Stevie's time. He
took the painting to show to Stevie's assistant and on bringing it back told
us Stevie couldn't see us as she was having a massage. He told us to return
after the show. Lori Nicks was wandering around as was Sharon who waved at
So we headed back to the venue
and waited for some friends. We saw Lenny Castro wandering by and he also
signed our tourbook.
Our seats weren't as good on
Saturday but we planned to enjoy ourselves. We swapped seats several times
as we wanted to be able to dance and first we had a man in crutches behind
us and then a pregnant lady! Eventually we settled right in front of the
sound console.
The show was amazing and it was
an added bonus to see Sheryl Crow. About half way through the show we were
permitted to move to some empty seats that were around 6 rows back. We were
in front of Sharon and Mindy who saw us waving the British flag. They
laughed and waved at us!. We also saw Stevie's mum and dad in the audience
looking very proud. Her mum looked frail but funky in cream snakeskin
Once again Security seemed tight
so we didn't try to get to the stage. AT this time a guy came up to us and
asked us how big a fans we were. He had read our shirts and handed us
backstage guest passes!
After the show we headed for the
backstage door. We were stopped by Aladdin security a little way back from
other people. We saw Stevie's parents leave in a limo and then saw a white
limo pull up. Once again we spoke to the security guard who finally let us
through. There were around 20 people waiting and we were told not to rush
Stevie when she came out and that she would approach people.
Stevie appeared - she looked
amazing and I couldn't believe we were this close. She spoke to a lady and
then headed for the limo. My heart sank as I thought we had missed our
opportunity to talk to her. As she got into the limo Lori Nicks looked
across at me and said "Has she seen you yet?".... "No"
We were asked this again by two more of Stevie's people and then we heard
"You two only" and were beckoned to the other side of the limo as
the security closed ranks around the other people. This was our private
Stevie moment. The window was down and there she was smiling. She held both
our hands and said "Hi, How are you?" I told her it was nice to
meet her (quite an understatement don't you think!!) We were with her for no
more than 2 minutes. We gave her the painting and she said "This is
soooo beautiful" I asked her to sign our tourbooks which she did
willingly and then Louise noticed Sheryl Crow in the limo and asked if she
would sign also. I noticed Stevie's yorkies and they were so cute with
little bindi jewels in their fur!! As Stevie handed the books to Sheryl we
were told 30 seconds. Stevie said "Quick sign, they came all the way
from England" She said she had planned to come to England but it got
cancelled. She seemed genuinely sorry about that. Someone behind me shouted
"Stevie, have you seen their shirts?" so I turned round for her to
Louise told her about another
painting waiting for her in Sheryl Louis' office and I told her about my
daughter Rhiannon. We thanked her, she held our hands and thanked us for
coming looking us right in the eyes when she talked to us. And then she was
gone! As the limo pulled away we saw her showing the painting around.
Unfortunately we had no time to get a photo of her.
Our excitement didn't stop here.
We stuck around with the band and crew. Chatted with Lori Nicks who seemed
genuinely surprised when I asked for her autograph. She was very down to
earth and friendly as was everyone else. We also got autographs and photos
from Scott Plunkett, Chris Nicks, Al Ortiz and more with Mindy. At this time
I remembered a bracelet made for Stevie by my 5 year old daughter Rhiannon.
I spoke with Lori and she said she would get it to Stevie. She put it on her
wrist and took a photo of Rhiannon. Chatted to Mindy and asked if she saw
our British flag and she said " Yes, didn't you see me wave at
you?" Of course we had but I just wanted to check it was us she was
waving at! Scott overheard and said that he had seen us also!
We really didn't want the
evening to end. I can still se Stevie looking right into my eyes and holding
my hands and Louise feels the same. It was a moment we have both dreamt of
and will cherish forever.
Thankyou Stevie for your music,
your poetry, your courage and for spending those special moments with us
Pip Fidler and Louise
(with thanks to Pip Fidler
who sent this to me)
04-09-2001 Portsmouth,VA
A fan for over 25 years! First time I've seen her
solo. I just got back. She
was not 100% I would have to say 98.9% she seemed like she was trying
to save voice. The song sets were great not as many in the other shows
(I was so excited) I belive she skipped two or three songs. During the
"Edge of Seventeen" she was not given too many gifts so I was
trying to go up . NOT ! The Security would not let me
go up (I was so pissed). But, as I was leaving I ask
someone how could get these gifts to Stevie they
pointed me the right way so I gave them to a man at the alley which lead
to where she was (I just hope he gives them to her). With in the gifts
I attached a note to her with my email & home addresses, maybe I'll
hear from her (I wish) . She did two encores "I Need to Know"
& "Has Anyone Written Anything for
You?". Yes I'm very Happy to have seen her &
would love again someday.
Review sent to me by D.R Roberts Jr. http://community-2.webtv.net/clawfour/TheGypsyDoveMs/