Category Archives: Original Content

Rare Fleetwood Mac / Lindsey Buckingham songs shared via Richard Dashut online

Rare never-before heard tracks from Fleetwood Mac and Lindsey Buckingham appear online curtesy of Richard Dashut

Richard Dashut (co-producer of many of the Fleetwood Mac albums) has started to share some rare unreleased tracks from the his vaults from when he was working with Fleetwood Mac and Lindsey Buckingham online via Tumblr, Facebook and video sharing sites.

This post will attempt to collate the songs shared via their online links, so far Richard has shared the following tracks….

An alternate take of the Christine song ‘Mystified’ from the 1987 Fleetwood Mac album “Tango In The Night’

Song Ideas by Lindsey Buckingham and Rick Curtis (The Curtis Brothers, writers of Blue Letter from the 1975 self-titled Fleetwood Mac album)


And an early mix of the Lindsey song ‘Tango In The Night’ from the 1987 Fleetwood Mac album “Tango In The Night’


A snippet of an early version of The Chain from the 1977 album ‘Rumours’


Thanks Richard for posting these awesome tracks

Fleetwood Mac – Deluxe Box Set of Mirage in planning

Warner Brothers are in the midst of planning a new deluxe treatment of Fleetwood Mac’s 1982 Mirage album with a 5.1 audio mix by Ken Caillat

Rumoured release date of June, 2016



Ken has posted on Facebook that he started re-mixing Fleetwood Mac’s Mirage album in 5.1 for Warner Brothers re-release of a new Deluxe Box of that classic album and the 5.1 mix of Mirage is sounding fantastic! You will all hear stuff you never heard on the album!!

This follows the recent re-releases of Rumours and Tusk where they also received the deluxe box treatment and are also available in 5.1 DVD Audio mix.

Wonder what outtakes and extras we may also get in this deluxe re-release, hope that this will include the original Smile At You and If You Were My Love from Stevie, the jam session of I’ve Been Loving You Too Long and of course the full Mirage concert in audio and DVD of the partial live show that was shown on HBO and released on VHS video as Fleetwood Mac In Concert in 1983.


Huge difference in Tusk reissue prices between the UK and USA

Anyone noticed the massive price differences that Amazon are listing the recent Tusk deluxe edition and the soon to be released Live In Concert vinyl set that is culled from the same deluxe release of Tusk.

Today according to the Amazon UK website, you can pick up the Tusk deluxe edition for £41.84 that translate to $52.26 (at today’s exchange rates), now checking the site, the exact same release is listed as $93.19 (£66.94)

And, when we repeat this process on the In Concert vinyl set that is set to be released on Mar 4th, the price on Amazon in the UK is £23.99 ($33.40) and on the price is $54.14 (£38.89)

What gives Amazon, why are the prices so different between regions for the same item?



Holiday Road / Dancin’ Across The USA gets digital release

MP3 release of Holiday Road / Dancin’ Across The USA

The nearly forgotten tracks from the National Lampoon’s Vacation soundtrack that were recorded by Lindsey Buckingham and Richard Dashut back in 1983 have finally been given a digital release on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon.

So, at last this forgotten gem from Lindsey Buckingham finally gets an official digital release, and the equally forgotten b-side also makes it’s digital debut, well done everyone involved, but what took you so long and what’s with the cover?


To purchase these tracks, please see the links below…

iTunes UK / iTunes US
Amazon UK / Amazon US
We assume that this release is to tie-in with the new fifth instalament of the Vacation films that gets released in August 2015 (IMDB link)

In addition, the original movie soundtrack for this new film release also contains Holiday Road by Lindsey that runs for an extra 10 seconds, not sure if this is a new recording or a remaster, also two covers of Holiday Road by Zac Brown Band and Matt Pond are also contained on the OST album


The original soundtrack album for ‘Vacation’ can be purchased at the following links

Amazon UK / Amazon US
iTunes UK / iTunes US

Fleetwood Mac in the UK over the last six weeks: A few thoughts…….

Fleetwood Mac completes the European leg of the On With The Show tour tonight in Dublin, Ireland at the 3 Arena.

Thinking back over the last six weeks we have seen many highs, with their first UK festival appearance since the early 70s at the Isle of Wight festival, six nights at the O2 in London and lots of positive reviews in the press.

However we have also seen some lows, the cancellation and non re-schedule of the Manchester show was poor form from the logistics team, we understand that illness can cause last minute cancellations, but this date should really have been rescheduled as the cancelled Birmingham date was, so not to disappoint thousands of loyal fans who had paid an enormous amount of hard earned money on travel arrangements and hotel stays, the reimbursement of the ticket cost is only one element of the overall cost.

But my gripe with this leg of the tour is not with the band or the tour, but with the UK TV and radio media, there has been next to nothing mentioned on the main channels in the UK on the momentous re-joining of Christine McVie and her first live appearances in the UK since 1990, or the first time that the Rumours-five had played in the UK since 1979 and the TUSK tour.

I would have thought that the BBC would have lapped this up with a new TV special that chronicled this ‘never thought would happen’ event. The tour stops were sell-outs, the band was playing their hearts out, celebrities from music, TV, and film were attending the shows, the MAC was well reviewed in the national press, but for radio and television next to nothing. We did get a bare minimum appearance on Sky Arts of four live songs and a small interview with Stevie and Mick from the Isle of Wight Festival, but that was it! Continue reading Fleetwood Mac in the UK over the last six weeks: A few thoughts…….

COMPETITION: Win a copy of ‘Live in 1967’ from John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, that features Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and Peter Green

On Apr 20th Forty Below Records released ‘Live in 1967’ from John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers on CD that includes the first live captured performance of Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and Peter Green before they formed Fleetwood Mac.

Live in '67 Low Res Cover copy

Forty Below records have graciously offered this website two copies of the new live album for distribution to the readers of this site, to have a chance to win this rare live record from the pre-fleetwood mac band, please like and share our Facebook page and comment on the Facebook page why you want to listen to this live CD

Two winners will be drawn from all entries with the most impressive reason to listen to this album.

This competition is open for two weeks now till 23.59 on Friday 15th May

The two winners were: Ken McKinney and Jeanie Warrington Pressler, your CD is in shipment now

Thanks to all the entries to the competition and thanks to Forty Below Records ( and Tracy Gosling PR ( for the prizes

Prize Draw Rules

Continue reading COMPETITION: Win a copy of ‘Live in 1967’ from John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, that features Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and Peter Green

‘Crystal Visions – The Very Best of Stevie Nicks’ re-released on vinyl, hits the streets on 19th May

Crystal Visions – The Vest Best of Stevie Nicks (vinyl)

limited edition clear transparent vinyl

On May 19th 2015, the vinyl edition of ‘Crystal Visions – The Very Best of Stevie Nicks’ will be re-released on crystal clear transparent vinyl, this edition will be available from the usual record store outlets such as Amazon, in addition Warner Brothers have a limited fan pack available that includes the vinyl album, lithograph and vinyl bag, please click below to order the limited edition fan pack….




Archive clips of Fleetwood Mac on BBC Four ‘Biggest band Breakups and Makeups’

BBC Four in the UK aired a new music documentary program last night (10th April 2015) that delved into the biggest band breakups and makeups, of course any program that focused on disfunctional bands had to include Fleetwood Mac, and we were not disappointed, below is the section of that show that covers Fleetwood Mac’s turbelent relationships….

The clips contains archive footage of brief soundbites with John McVie and Stevie Nicks from interviews shown on the BBC in the past, as well as live clips of Don’t Stop, Dreams, Go You Own Way and On Diane (however Oh Diane has Dreams playing over the clip).

One item that I found very encouraging is that the BBC have kept good quality archive footage of the Fleetwood Mac at 21 documentatry that aired originally in 1988 and the Oh Diane clip from The Late Late Breakfast show that aired originally in 1982.

Enjoy the very brief snippet from the show and if you wish to watch the complete one hour documentatry and you are able to view BBC iPlayer, the link for the full program is below..



Lindsey Buckingham: Out Of The Cradle – Album appreciation…

It seems as though the first ‘real’ solo album from Fleetwood Mac’s Lindsey Buckingham is not getting the love and attention that this album deserves, recently deleted from the UK iTunes store, no official release of the four music videos and limited appearances of live tracks in Lindsey’s recent solo live shows.

It’s our opinion that it’s about time that this fine collection of songs was re-visited and re-appreciated, but first, here’s some brief history…..


Out Of The Cradle was released in 1992, five years after Lindsey had departed Fleetwood Mac to concentrate fully on his solo career and could be considered as his one and only true solo album where he was not a member of Fleetwood Mac (all other solo albums were recorded and released whilst he was juggling being a member of the band and releasing solo albums at the same time).

The solo album sessions actually began in the mid-eighties and the early tracks that these sessions produced morphed into what would become the Fleetwood Mac comeback album ‘Tango In The Night’, that was released in 1987, tracks such as Big Love and Family Man were originally recorded for Lindsey’s next solo album with Lindsey and longterm co-producer ‘Richard Dashut’ co-producing again, these tracks were turned over to the wider group effort, as the Tango sessions consumed Lindsey completely as vocalist, writer, guitarist, producer and arranger, the third solo album was put of the back burner whilst the Mac returned to it’s glory days with ‘Tango In The Night’. Continue reading Lindsey Buckingham: Out Of The Cradle – Album appreciation…

Mick Fleetwood – Play On: Now, Then, and Fleetwood Mac: The Autobiography Book Review

Book Review: Play On: Now, Then, and Fleetwood Mac: The Autobiography by Mick Fleetwood


Nice, reflective memoir from Mr Fleetwood

I enjoyed this book, nice to see that the Fleetwood Mac story (from Mick’s perspective) brought up to date, the book did allocate the nearly fifty percent to the early years before Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined the band and really over covered the years post-1990 in the last third of the book, this was a surprise as Mick’s previous book covered up to 1990, but I guess he felt that he needed to tell this story again.

The pre-1990 section could be seen as a duplicate, but I felt that the story was told with a fresher sense of perspective, probably as it included information from Mick’s first wife Jenny Boyd that took the story in a slightly different direction with more emphasis on regrets and acknowledged the dysfunctional family life as opposed to the just being focused on Fleetwood Mac.

The later section that dealt with the post-1990 band was a little rushed, many years were skipped and as this timeframe is really lacking in print, this was a missed opportunity, the book was finished bang up to date with Christine McVie re-joining the band and Fleetwood Mac being out on the road again.

All in all, a good read for a fan of the band, or for a casual observer of Fleetwood Mac and Mick Fleetwood.

Four Stars out of Five

Purchase this book via Amazon